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Create a push notification for website

Create a push notification for website

So, I got a task that required a notification, and after some discussion, it was decided to use push notifications because the need was simple. So, I explored how to make them. By the way, before you continue reading, I want to let you know that here I am using Node.js for the backend and have not tried with other languages.

Steps to Create Push Notifications


To create push notifications simply, we only need a few functions, showNotification and subscription on the client side, and sendNotification from the web-push library.

Displaying Notifications

As you can see, showNotification and subscription require a service worker to run their functions. So, you can only use these functions if you have installed a service worker on your website. To display notifications in the browser, you only need:

1serviceWorkerRegistration.showNotification(title, [options]);

However, that only applies to displaying the notification itself. If we want to request to show notifications from the server, what we need to do next step


If you have installed a service worker on your website, you can try calling:

1const options = { applicationServerKey, userVisibleOnly: true }

To get the applicationServerKey, you can use the web-push library. How to install it:

1web-push generate-vapid-keys

Then run command:

1web-push generate-vapid-keys

If successful, you will get a result like this:

1Public Key:
4Private Key:

Then put your public key for the applicationServerKey above. After that, the result from the subscribe call can be sent to the backend and saved. I save it in the users table, to make it easy. So, for example, if I need to send a notification to username ‘A’, I just select subscribe from users where username = 'A'.

Push Notifications from the Server

Next, for the backend, let’s say I create sendNotif.js:

1import webpush from "web-push"
3export const pushNotif = async (subs, title, msg) => {
4  const vapidKeys = {
5    publicKey: "xxxxxx...",
6    privateKey: "xyxyxy...",
7  }
8  try {
9    const subject = "< 'mailto' Address or URL >"
10    webpush.setVapidDetails(
11      subject,
12      vapidKeys.publicKey,
13      vapidKeys.privateKey
14    )
15    await webpush.sendNotification(
16      subs,
17      JSON.stringify({ title: title, msg: msg })
18    )
19  } catch (e) {
20    if (e.statusCode != 410) console.log(e)
21  }

We get the public and private keys from the generated result above, and the subject can be a URL or email.

To use it, you can run:

1import { pushNotif } from "../sendNotif";
3// Then query to get the subs and call the function
4pushNotif(subs, "This is the title", "This is the message content")

Listening for Incoming Pushes in the Service Worker

1self.addEventListener("push", function(event) {
2  if (event.data) {
3    const { title, msg } = event.data.json()
4    self.registration.showNotification(title, {
5      body: msg,
6    })
7  }

And that’s it~
